/ Insights

Arsenal Educational Program Extended to Law Enforcement and Military Training

January 6th, 2021
Mark Spencer

We have an exciting 2021 in store for Arsenal customers. To kick things off, we are extending our educational program (basically, free licenses!) to cover law enforcement and military training. Arsenal now provides free subscriptions each semester to professors and students at colleges and universities, as well as instructors and students in law enforcement and military training.

What are the details?

Upon request by a law enforcement or military instructor, we will send batches of licenses prior to each training for all instructors and students. Each license includes a subscription to the full functionality of all our tools. Instructors are responsible for distributing the licenses to students.

What’s the catch?

Arsenal’s educational subscriptions are for educational use only… in other words, they are not for use in casework, whether commercial or otherwise. While not required, we appreciate photos of instructors and students using our tools (without any identifying details is fine!) that we can share with the public. We also hope that instructors and students will share with us what they like, and don’t like, about our tools.

How do we get started?

Contact us at sales@ArsenalRecon.com with some basic details on your law enforcement or military training and we’ll get the process started. Simple!

Please support us, as we work to make maximum exploitation of electronic evidence more accessible, by learning more about the powerful and unique functionality our tools provide. You can learn more about our tools at https://ArsenalRecon.com/products. Thank you!

Published in: Training

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